How To Take/Submit GST TMAs in National Open University Of Nigeria (NOUN)
Follow the steps below to submit your NOUN GST TMAs
Visit the GST site via
Click on login and enter your matric no (small letters) as your username and also as your password if this is your first time on the site, if not enter your previous details then submit.
The page will load and display: “an administrator has required that you change your password”. Please change your password to proceed when you get the above message.
Enter your matric number (small letters) in a column showing “current password”
Scroll down to locate where it is written password and enter a new password of your choice.
Underneath, you will see confirm password. Then confirm and your dashboard will be displayed.
Please note: If this is not your first time on the GST site you won’t see all these, it will bring out your dashboard after a successful login.
Click the menu button at the top left corner and locate where you will see “MY COURSES” and click on it.
Now click on one of the GST courses from the drop-down menu to view the TMA page.
You will notice some “check boxes ” by the right. Click on all the checkboxes just like on the picture above as you scroll down the page till you get to “Tutor Marked Assessment 1 (TMA 1)” link and Click on it.
The next page attempt your quiz and then submit to see your grade.
Click on “Back to the course” to continue to the next TMA, i.e TMA 2 of the course. Same way you do the TMA 3.
If you want to attempt other course’s TMA then click the menu icon at the top left corner and locate where you will see “MY COURSES” and the select another course and repeat same process.
Congrats, you can now submit your NOUN GST TMAs yourself. We hope you found this article helpful in submitting your NOUN GST TMAs. Also check our TMA forum for free TMA answers and join our community to stay informed.