National Open University of Nigeria project format

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National Open University of Nigeria project format

National Open University of Nigeria project format has been updated. The guidelines in this article will help you in writing your NOUN project. Read and Follow these instructions and the steps below to write your NOUN project.


Notice for Bachelor of Science project 

It can be:

  • Adaptation of already available design or knowledge.

  • Implementation of small working system using available knowledge/design.

  • Required to show ability to make minor modifications to available knowledge/design usually in the dimension of a unit or idea that is already in use.



Useful websites for CSE Research:

You will find the following website very useful during your NOUN project research;




  4. Goggle on Cambridge Advanced learners Dictionary

  5. Goggle on Wikipedia


You are to select a project topic, You will be required to defend your research work. In writing your project, the following must be adhered to strictly: 


  • Documents must be properly formatted using the acceptable University/ Departmental format especially the PREFATORY pages.


  • Mechanical accuracy


  • Font type: Times New Roman, point size 12, Double spacing


  • Page layout: left margin:1.5’’, Right, Top and bottom margins1’’


  •  Paper type: A4, 80gms weight


  • All references must be cited and all citations must be referenced using APA Referencing style (6thEdition / 2018/2019 Edition of APA referencing)


  • Reference materials must not be later than 2009. i.e. < 11years ago


  • Abstracts are written after the project is completed



The format for writing abstract is as follows:

Introduction of the subject along with the aim and statement of the problem, followed by the methodology employed, the results obtained (numerical summary if applicable), and finally conclusion.


Your project topic must be innovative, current, solve real life problems relevant to the immediate society, where you work, live and /or the country.



NOUN Project guidelines


Title page:

This indicates the degree to be awarded, the awarding institution, students name and matriculation numbers, department, month and year of submission of the project. This should be brief and clearly stated.



Approval Page:

This page contains the names, dates, and signatures of the supervisor(s) of the project, head of department, external examiner, and the dean of  faculty. It should also contain an attestation of the originality of the student’s research report by the board of examiners.




In this page, the researcher dedicates his/her work to any individual(s) dear to him/her as a kind of tribute.




This page is used to express gratitude to those who provided one form of assistance or the other during the period of the research.




This is a brief summary of the purpose of the study, research methodology, major findings and recommendations. It is presented in one paragraph and one page.



Table of Contents:

This is a list of the various elements of the report from preliminary to final section, sequentially arranged and indicating the pages where such chapters and subheadings can be located.



List of Tables:

This is similar to table of contents. It indicates the page number of tables presented in the report, for easy location. The tables are serially numbered.



List of figures:

This is similar to the list of tables and contents. It indicates the page numbers of figures presented in the report. The figures are also serially numbered.





Chapter one: Introduction

This chapter is the introduction of the entire report. Here you present the historical background of the study. The rationale behind the work is explained in this chapter.

It states the reason for choosing the given research problem which is of general area of concern. Here you convince your readers that there is a problem which you want to solve.

This chapter should be divided as follows;

  •   Background of the study

Here, the researcher gives a general description of the area of study. In doing so, he tries to paint a scenario depicting an ideal and perfect state of affair in the area of study.


  • Statement of problem 

Here, the researcher shows dissatisfaction in the existing system and the need for it to be remedied. The problem should therefore be clearly and unambiguously stated. The researcher has to show evidence that the problem really exists and how this problem can also remain a general problem in the larger area of concern.


  • Motivation

The researcher justifies the need for working on the subject matter.


  • Aims and Objectives

The researcher states the aims/objective of the research. What the research will achieve if successfully completed.


  • Purpose of the Study

This is where the reason of the research is stated i.e. the intended solution i.e. what the research is to achieve or solve. State reasons why you want to spend your time, resource, energy, strength in carrying out research.


  • Significance of the Study

State the worth or value of your research. You state or show its contribution to knowledge. State the use of the study when it is successfully completed. Will this study be worth the amount of resources about to be committed into it? There is need here for a sentence that will sell the outcome of the study to the probable consumers.


  • Organization of the Work

Here, the researcher states the chapter by chapter and section by section arrangement of the study report.


  • Definition of Terms   

The investigator tries to define all the unfamiliar concepts or terms in his report so that his reader can easily follow his discourse without much difficulty.

The terms should be clearly defined in the language every reader can understand. It is always helpful to arrange the terms or concepts in alphabetical order so as to make for a more meaningful reading.



Chapter Two: Literature Review

To select a research problem the investigator has to review related literature so that he can learn about the previous studies which have been carried out in this area of interest.


By going through the previous work already accomplished in his area of study, the investigator can now discover the theoretical framework upon which his new research work will be based. 


When conducting literature review we can either paraphrase it or quote the passage. In paraphrasing, the reviewer writes in reported speech i.e. reporting in his own words.


But in quoting, indenting of the passage is done. By indenting, the passage is typed (single space) at the center of the page leaving appreciable margin on each of the two sides.



Chapter Three: Research Methodology

  • Design consideration

  • Design architecture

This is a plan showing how information associated with a given research problem should be collected and analyzed. In other words, it is a plan of an investigation aimed at identifying variables and relationship with one another.  



Chapter Four: Implementation and Evaluation

  • System Hardware Requirement

  • System Software Requirement

  • Data source

  • Implementation procedure

  • Algorithm/Pseudo-codes

  • Sample Implementation input snapshot

  • Sample implementation output snapshot

  • Evaluation results

  • Discussion of results



Chapter Five:  Discussion and Conclusion

  • Summary of results

  • Conclusion

  • Recommendation: to recommends based on his/her results and his/her findings to the generality of his readers.

  • Suggestion(s) for future Research: made for other investigations to carry out research in the related area. 

  • References (APA Style)

  • Appendix

  • Source Code


That’s the format for writing NOUN projects, you can also learn how to present your project topics to your study centre from here.


RECOMMENDED—–>How to upload completed NOUN project online on the PAS portal

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Ajibo Simon Terwase

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