noun tma solutions

NOUN 2022/2 TMA Solutions – NOUN TMA Solver

NOUN 2022/2 semester TMA is starting on the 26th of August 2022. Check NOUN 2022 academic calendar and plan ahead.


If you would like the NounGeeks TMA specialists to assist you with NOUN TMA solutions for 2022/2 semester, Kindly use the form below and forward your details to us and we’ll get back to you shortly. But before you do that, here are some rules and regulations all our TMA clients this semester must adhere to:


1.  It’s first come, first serve basis (Book early to avoid delays)


2.  After booking, don’t be in our DM everyday asking us questions like (how far with the TMAs? is my TMA done? why the delay?…etc). We might ignore or not answer such questions because all our TMA specialists might be extremely busy. Be rest assured that all TMAs given to us will be completed and on time.


3.  Our only phone number that will be in contact with you on whatsapp is 08089722160. Ignore / avoid any agent pretending to be NounGeeks or from NounGeeks. We don’t have agents.


4.  Please don’t send in your details if you know you don’t really need our TMA assistance. If we contact you, and didn’t get any reply, we’ll delete your details and move to the next serious student on the line.


5.  We’ll contact you when your TMAs are done with our only official phone number above. If the above rules are okay with you then forward your details below;




Kindly cross check your details before submitting

Don’t know your Elearn portal password? Learn how to get your Elearn portal password here.


You can also reach us on 08089722160 for more info on TMA solutions this new semester or click to see TMA answers that are being posted by other students in our forum. Also join our TMA TELEGRAM GROUP.

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  1. Rashida mohammed

    I want to be added in your update list

  2. Ogunyemi Oluwabukola Catherine

    Interested in TMA solutions update and exams tips. Thank you.

  3. Adejoh friday

    I’m interested in TMA solutions update and exams tips.thanks

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