Remarking of NOUN Exam Scripts & Re-computation of results

NOUN 2024_2 E-Examination Final Timetable

Remarking of NOUN Exam Scripts & Re-computation of results

According to NOUN Examination Policy 2018-2023, you may request for your script to be remarked if you have strong reasons to do so.


The provisions of this policy can be found on “Policy of Re-Marking of Students’ Examination Scripts and Recomputation of Results”. 


For instance, if you wish to request for the re-marking of your script(s), you must appeal within 30 days from the date of publication of the results.


There is a fee per course for this service. You should familiarise yourself with the procedures before making requests for the remarking of your scripts.


Instructions for Remarking of NOUN exam scripts


  1. Appeal against examination results should be done within 30 days from the date of publication of the results.

  2. All applications for re-marking should be addressed to the Registrar through the Study Centre Directors and a copy forwarded to the Dean in the School concerned.

  3. Applicants must submit the necessary application form at the relevant Study Centre. Students must ensure that the course(s) code(s) title(s) are correct when completing the form.

  4. A non-refundable fee of N10,000.00 is charged per course for the re-marking of scripts. The said amount should be paid to a bank account designated for the purpose.

  5. Students should note that the evidence of payment of the fees must be attached to a completed application form. Also payments without application forms would not be processed.

  6. A receipt must be issued as proof of payment for the service.

  7. Study Centre Directors should, in all cases, ensure and supervise that payment for applications are received, receipts are issued and that all the applications are recorded.

  8. Study Centre Directors are required to forward all applications to the Registrar electronically within 3 days of receipt of the application form. The e-mail address is

  9. The decision to remark is a prerogative of the School Examinations Committee. Remarking shall be completed within two weeks. The new score awarded shall be approved by the Dean on behalf of the School’s Academic Board.

  10. if a student decides to withdraw his/her appeal before it is considered by the Committee, a notice of withdrawal shall be done in writing to make it valid;

  11. The School Board shall communicate its decisions to the Senate within a period of 14 days for ratification.


Here are the official NOUN email addresses


Pick the one related to your issue(s) and contact them. Always include your MATRIC NUMBER in all your mails while contacting them.



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