NOUN Examination Guidelines and Regulations

noun exam guidelines

NOUN Examination Guidelines and Regulations

NOUN Students’ Examination Guidelines and Regulations


  • A Student’s matriculation number serves as his /her examination number. Only Student(s) who registered exams will be allowed to sit for examinations. A student must write his/her matriculation number on his/her answer booklet before answering the question.


  • Students should write examination at their designated Study Centre.


  • Students must bring to the examination hall, their writing materials and any other material which may be permitted by the University for a Particular Examination.


  • Students arriving a minute after the commencement of an examination shall not be allowed to sit for the examination. All students must sit at least 15 minutes prior to commencement of any paper.


noun exam guidelines

  • Once a student is admitted into the examination hall, he/she may not leave the hall until he/she has finished with the examination. If for any cogent reason the students must leave the hall, he/she must do so with permission of the supervisor/Invigilator.


  • A student must be accompanied by an invigilator if permitted to leave the examination hall temporarily (e.g visiting the restroom, etc).


  • No answer booklet other than the one supplied by the University should be used for examinations. All supplementary answer sheets/booklet must be tied / attached to the main answer booklet and duly signed by the Supervisor.


  • Silence must be observed in the examination hall. Any student requiring the attention of the invigilator should raise his/her hand.


  • Any activity or behavior which may be construed as examination misconduct or malpractice (e.g cheating  etc.) shall be liable to discipline in accordance with the University rules and regulations governing examination as contained in the students Handbook.


  • Communication between students is strictly forbidden during examinations. Any student found to be receiving or giving assistance will be sanctioned. Such a student may be required to withdraw from the examination and subsequently made to face the University examination malpractice panel.


  • Students are not permitted to smoke or sing or pray aloud or engage in activity that may distract others in the examination hall.


  • Bags and Briefcases are not allowed in the examination hall. The university will not be liable for any loss or damage of a student’s personal effects/property.


  • Unauthorized materials (such as text books, course materials, note books, sheets/scrabs of paper) in print or electronic form are not allowed in the examination hall.


  • Pagers, Smart watches and mobile phones are not permitted at all in the examination hall.


  • Students must observe the supervisors instructions regarding the commencement and end of an examination. Students who start writing before he/she is told to do so, or who continue writing after being asked to stop, will be sanctioned.


NOUN Exam Clearance Form


Below is National Open University Of Nigeria (NOUN) exam clearance form. Download and print it out then fill SECTION A ONLY. Take it to your study centre for stamping.

NOUN exam clearance form

Click DOWNLOAD to get the NOUN exam clearance form.


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