noun e exam


NOUN exam tips for all NOUN students


Exams have always caught many students pants down, creating mixed feelings of excitement and pressure.


More unsettling and confusing is the situation with distant learning students, you have little or no interaction among students which could help answer some of the questions that pop up while exams are already in session.

lagos study centre

To help answer some of those questions, I wish to share with you from personal experience some important tips to guide you while in the exam hall.


If you can comprehend and diligently follow what is written in this article there’s no way you won’t succeed/pass any NOUN exam you might encounter.


This post is divided into two sections, first section will give you important tips about Pen On Paper exams (POP) while the second part will discuss about E-exams.




NOUN exam tips for POP exams;



  • Make your way to your study centre ahead of time not forgetting your face mask😷 and also while en route, you can revise your course summaries and past questions (don’t take any of these files inside the exam hall)


  • Make your way into the exam hall and quietly take your seat.


  • In exam, always begin your write up with capital letter.

noun pop exam


  • For example, “management” should begin with a capital “M”.  Some little or basic writing skills can improve your overall grade in NOUN exams.

  • When you are done with a line add full stop(.), Know where to add comma(,).

noun exam tips
  • When asked to list 10 things, you can list 5 and explain or list 10 and explain 5 it’s acceptable.


  • When listing things, use Roman figures, eg; i, ii, iiii, iv, v etc.

roman numerals

  • Go through all the questions first and start with the one you have best knowledge of (Pay attention to this one, it’ll save you time). This’ll give the examiner a positive impression about you, first impression matters.


  • Waste no precious time on non compulsory questions, focus on your areas of strength. Incase this is your first time to sit for POP exam, NOUN most times make the number 1 question compulsory in almost all POP exams. They’ll set something like “Question number 1 is compulsory, then pick any other 3 or 4 questions after answering the compulsory question number 1”.


  • Each question for example have other sub questions attached to it that you also have to answer. For example;  “Question 1a, Question 1b, Question 1c, etc”.  If the instruction on your paper says all question 1 is compulsory then you have to attend to all. That’s what we meant when we said you should focus and start with the questions you have best knowledge of and waste no precious time on non compulsory questions.


  • Do not forget  to write your correct  matric number, it is as good as been absent for the paper if you do.


  • Remove fear and stay focused, it’s just an exam not a do or die affair. No matter what happens, don’t get involved in any exam malpractice. You’ll be caught and suspended, it’s not worth it.



  • Pass and pass honorably. Believe me, it is better to fail and  pay N1000 for carryover registration next semester than being made to stood up and leave the exam hall because of exam malpractice. 



  • Avoid any form of  talking or trying to help or ask your fellow student any question. If you’re caught, its an exam malpractice. When you need any assistance, raise your hand up and a staff will attend to you.




As a new student in National Open University Of Nigeria NOUN, you might be curious or have questions like “How do NOUN students write exams” or “How do i write my NOUN exams?”If these are your questions worry no more.

noun student

I will explain everything you need to know about NOUN e-exam, as a fresher there are some crucial information you need to know. Don’t enter the exam hall until you finish reading this!


NOUN exam tips for E-exams


  • NOUN E-exam is a computer-based test (CBT) meant for 100 level and 200 level NOUN students and those writing any GST exams.


  • All the students will be given the same set of questions but the position of each question will be scattered just like your TMA.

  • For instance, your own “Number 1” question might appear as “Number 6” question on another person’s screen (Don’t try to look or view another student’s computer screen to confirm this, if you’re caught, it’s an exam malpractice).


  • The answer options may also be scattered  i.e, your own “option A” might be another person’s “option D”.


  • The question is a mixture of OBJ (Objective) and fill-in-the gap. OBJ is usually around 35-40% and the fill-in-the-gap covers 60-65%.


  • The ratio of the OBJ to fill-in-the-gap questions depend on the course you are writing the exam.

noun e exam


  • At times, some of the questions raised in OBJ are repeated in the fill-in-the-gap. You can take note of such questions by flagging it so that it will be easy for you to go back to the question again.


  • Flagging questions is one useful skill you’ll learn to appreciate in NOUN, you can also try it on the TMA questions and see how it works in helping you to remember and go back to questions that seems tricky to you.

noun exam tips

  • It is therefore recommended that in case you forgot some answers you can attempt other questions, you may find the right answer along the line then you can trace the questions back by seeing the flag (Please pay attention to this).

Check out – Common study problems and solutions for students


  • All the courses carry 70 or 120 questions, except Mathematics courses which carries just 35 questions ( it might change though) and 2 marks are allotted to each question.


  • The timer starts immediately you commence the exam, therefore do not waste time when trying to solve difficult questions, make sure you attempt the questions you know the answers first.



  • In fact, most of the times you can even find the correct answers in the front. So be patient while answering the questions.


  • The computer will only display one question per page. Hence, to view the next questions you need to click on the “Next button” or press the “Previous button” to access previous questions.


  • As you are attempting each question, you will be able to see the ones you have answered and the ones you have not answered below the current page (both will be displayed in different colors). With this, you will be able to easily identify the unanswered questions and view them anytime you want just like in the TMA portal.


  • The timer will stop immediately you log out of the system and if you log in again the timer will continue from where you stopped but the questions and options will be scattered.


  • Pray before you enter the exam hall or before starting the exam because sometimes you may be given a system which might malfunction or develop some issues during the exam. There is power in prayers so pray.

praying students


  • Faulty system (Computer) might affect the performance of the student and again it might take a long time for the ICT staffs to come and diagnose/fix the issue and time is already wasted and little or nothing can be done about that. So pray, it helps. Always put God first in anything you do both in your academics.


  • Please note that the management has taken measures to mitigate IMPERSONATION such that your picture will appear on all the pages of the exam question.


  • Anyone caught impersonating will be summarily dealt with. New students i beg you, don’t pay anyone to write your NOUN exams for you, it will end in tears believe me.


  • If you can’t make it to the exam, better miss the paper and register it again as carryover for just 1k next semester.


  • Immediately you visit the e-exam portal you will be required to login with your matric number (just as you did in your TMA portal).


  • So make sure you write your matric number where you can easily find it (in case you don’t know it offhand).


  • Learn basic computer skills, these are the basic buttons on the page and their functions:

basic computer skills
  1. NEXT: when you click this button you will be able to access the next set of questions.

  2. PREVIOUS: when you click this button you will be able to access previously viewed questions.

  3. LOGOUT: when you click this button you will be logged out of the page unless you log in again.

  4. SUBMIT: this is the execution button; you should only click it after you have answered all the questions.


  • On clicking the SUBMIT button you will be notified if you still have some unanswered questions left. Make sure you review your work before hitting this button. Once you click on the SUBMIT button you will see your score instantly.




To avoid catastrophe, get familiarized with the computer device, practice and get used to the movement of the mouse and cursor.


We also recommend you  practice with previous past questions we’ve made available for free on the platform or with our Mock exams to understand how NOUN exams are being set for students.


This saves you from repeatedly calling for assistance and becoming a nuisance to the invigilators and your course mates.


Skip STUBBORN questions, don’t get yourself tuck with one difficult question and waste precious time, there are many others you can conveniently answer and make your grades.


Funny but true, many students forget their matric number. Memorize or write it on your clearance form and save yourself the heartache. (it will shock you when you realize you can’t remember you matric number).


In POP and E-exam your greatest enemy is time, you may have two papers at the same time. In such situation, your destiny is in your hands.

no time


With your sense of judgement, split the time into two,  quickly write the CORE course first, then the elective later. Reason is that you will not graduate without at least a pass in all your core courses.


But you will succeed, just stay relaxed and stay focused. I will see you on the other side. Best wishes. 



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I need update pls

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    Hi peace, you’re welcome 🙂

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Olukeye Olumayowa

Hi am new here

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    Hi olukeye, we’re happy to have you with us 🙂

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Nwakor ogemdi chukwuebuka

I want to know what it will take to enroll for masters in umuahia study centre….and be informed more about the type of exam taken in noun for masters’ students

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    Hello, kindly send us a message on whatsapp on 08089722160, we’ll put you through.

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Samson adamu biko

I’m very happy to be part of this group

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    Glad to have you us, welcome to the family.

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samuel salome


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samuel salome

Please i will be happy joining to learn more

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