Collection of NYSC Exclusion Letters for 2022 Graduates
This to inform all Study Centre Directors that the process for the collection of exclusion letters, for graduates that convoked during the 11th Convocation Ceremony of the University held on Saturday, 26th March, 2022 has commenced.
The affected graduates are required to visit the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) website: for the registration process.
Information on the procedure for the registration is available on the University’s website: or NOUN nysc exclusion letter registration procedure.
Directors are to note that due to some extenuating circumstances, the details of graduates in the under-listed programmes have not been uploaded:
B. Agriculture Crop Science
B. Agriculture Agricultural Economics and Agro-Business
B. Agriculture Animal Science
B. Agriculture Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
BSc. Entrepreneurship
BSc. Environmental Health Science
BA. Christian Religious Studies
B.Sc. International and Diplomatic Studies
However, the University is working assiduously to ensure that their records are included in the next batch of the exercise.
Meanwhile, graduates who in the course of confirming their details receive the following statement, “No record found. Contact your school for verification of the approved list”, should kindly complete their details in a Microsoft Excel format as shown below and forward to
Study Centre Directors are kindly enjoined to give this information the widest publicity it deserves by circulating it on the Centre Notice Boards and relevant social media platforms for the attention of these graduates.
Your prompt action on the above requests will be highly appreciated. Thank you.
Oladipe A. Ajayi – Deputy Registrar (Academic)
For: Registrar
Cc Vice-Chancellor
Director, Advancement and Linkages
I need update
on what?