Latest NOUN Updates: Sit at Home Tomorrow For NOUN South East Study Centres

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Latest NOUN Updates: Sit at Home Tomorrow For NOUN South East Study Centres



I write to inform all our esteemed students that examination will NOT HOLD in the South Eastern States of Nigeria tomorrow Thursday 26th May, 2022.


This is as a result of the sit at home order by IPOB. It is imperative the examination is shifted to avoid endangering the lives of our precious students. 


The DEA wish to bring  the attention of all the Centre directors in the southeast of these adjustments;


1.  In view of sit at home tomorrow Thursday, 26th may 2022. Thursday exams are now merged with Friday’s exams being 27th may. 


2. All Monday exams adjusted to Sunday. So no E-exams on Monday for all the  study centres in the southeast.


Please bring these to the attention of your students. All inconveniences caused as a result of the shift in the examination is highly regretted.


Please Note: We just got information that ipob has cancelled the sit at home order. It does not change anything, there  won’t be any exams tomorrow. You can read the full News here. But if we have more news concerning this, we’ll then update this article.

ipob sit at home



SIWES defense will take place at GARKI II study Center on 26th of May 2022 by 11am for all those  who have completed the 6months industrial training. Dress cooperate.



Project Moderation – Calabar Study Centre


NOUN calabar study centre



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