
2021_2 Semester Seminar Presentation Timetable for Makurdi & McCarthy Study Centres

We just received this update from our sources at makurdi and McCarthy study centres.




We’ll be updating other study centres seminar presentation timetable with time, remember you can use the search bar above the site to find whatever information you’re searching for on the platform in terms of updates.




For example, if you’re looking for say 2021 academic calendar, just type in “Calendar” in the search bar without the “” sign and the platform will show you relevant results.




Use relevant keywords in your searches to display the right updates for you to read.



So with that in mind, below is the timetable for both study centres..



makurdi seminar presentation timetable
Makurdi seminar presentation timetable


McCarthy seminar presentation timetable
McCarthy seminar presentation timetable



Kindly share and inform other NOUN students from those centres, thanks.



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