Information reaching us has it that Fatimah, a 200level National Open University Of Nigeria student was found dead today along Gbagada road, Lagos state.
She was studying business Administration, was reported missing yesterday’s evening when she didn’t return any of her calls that day, her family thought she was in school for her E-exams because she left early.
Later on her body was found lying lifelessly along the road today, most of her friends said that they had to wake up very early sometimes around 4am to meet up for their 8am papers because their homes are very far from their study centre plus the fear of being stuck in Lagos traffic for long hours thereby missing their exams.
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NOUN students have been pleading for a change of their morning exams timetable especially the 8am papers to be moved upwards to enable students that live very far from their study centres to meet up without falling victim of armed robbery or kidnappers because of the rate of insecurity in the country, They also said that most NOUN staffs are ruthless and doesn’t listen to their pleas of transportation issues they’re facing just to meet up with their exams very early in the morning.
The cause of fatimah’s death is not yet known at the moment, we will update this post as soon as we know more. Our thoughts and sympathies are with her family at this difficult time, may God bless gentle her soul.
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