Welcome to NounGeeks, NOUN Students Forum
Saturday, 29 June 2024
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Who we are


NounGeeks is an Edtech platform and community developed for all National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) students and stakeholders to connect and find useful news, information and other resources on educational technology having a niche subscriber base of more than 30,000 Nounites on social media groups and pages and More than 3000 registered active members on the platform.


NounGeeks  aims to create an easy way to make your NOUN studies seamlessly easy by providing you with up to date and current information on NOUN activities, NOUN Exam tips, NOUN Past questions Download, E-exams practice and also a community of thousands of students you can connect and chat with on the platform.


Our Mission


Our mission is to create an easy and a safe community for all NOUN students using technology that can transform education and guide the development of your NOUN studies.


Our Vision


Our vision is for every NOUN students to join our platform and connect, collaborate to discover, learn and to succeed in National Open University of Nigeria.


Who’s behind NounGeeks


All the articles, news, reports, and other published contents are produced by the NounGeeks editorial team. We’re a dedicated team of Computer & ICT students of National Open University of Nigeria.


What other services do we render to Students?


You can support us by patronizing our products/services listed below. We’re rated the best in;



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