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Hi NounGeeks, We just got this new result policy from our source and we wish to share it with you guys to avoid making or repeating these mistakes this new semester especially among new students who don’t really know how things are done in National Open University Of Nigeria…

Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) is an assessment test given to National Open University Of Nigerian students that comes out in 3 phases (TMA1, TMA2, TMA3) each semester that comprises of 30marks, i.e 10marks each, so you have to solve all from your student’s portal at for you to be able to see your exam results for that particular semester if not you won’t be able to see your result on that course you missed it’s TMA which will automatically turn to a carryover course for you the next semester.

Same thing applies if you solve all your TMAs but didn’t write or missed any exam on any course = NO RESULT… 🙁

So in details…

You wrote Exams and you didn’t do the TMAs = NO RESULT 🙁
You did your TMAs and you didn’t write the Exams = NO RESULT 🙁
You registered for Exams and you didn’t do TMAs and Exams = NO RESULT 🙁

No more *incomplete* or *No TMA(NT)* or *No Exams(NE)* appearing in student’s result portal again in NOUN, it will automatically become a carryover.

TMA solver

Don’t panic yet, here at NounGeeks you can now book your TMAs to be solved online easily if you’re the busy type that doesn’t have much time or you’re a mother that just gave birth and is nursing your baby or you’re just sick etc, whatever your excuse is we’ve got you here, just click here to go to our website shop and book your TMAs to be solved by us, any department and level and we will have it done for you wherever you’re in Nigeria without delay while you read for your exams.

Remember we’re here to help you with anything you need in NOUN, kindly invite your friends to join NounGeeks, it’s free.

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