NOUN B.A. Islamic Studies Course Outline & Fees

NOUN B.A. Islamic Studies school fees

NOUN B.A. Islamic Studies Course Outline & Fees

NOUN B.A. Islamic Studies registrable courses and their fees are listed below from 100 level to 400 level.


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NOUN B.A. Islamic Studies Course Outline


NOUN B.A. Islamic Studies School Fees [100l First Semester]


Course Code Course Title Credit Unit Status Fees Exam Fees
ISL121 Studies on the Hadith 3 Core 2500 1500
ISL113 Qur’anic Ethics 2 Core 2000 1500
ISL111 Studies on the Qur’an 2 Core 2000 1500
ISL101 General Introduction to Islam 2 Core 2000 1500
ARA183 Arabic Conversation 2 Elective 2000 1500
ARA181 Basic Arabic 2 Elective 2000 1500
CIT101 Computers In Society 2 Core 2000 1500
GST107 A Study Guide for the Distance Learner 2 Core 2000 1500
GST105 History and Philosophy of Science 2 Core 2000 1500
GST101 Use of English & Communication Skills I 2 Core 2000 1500
Semester Fee 58,000  
Total of Course Fees 20,500  
Total of Exam Fees 15,000  
Overall TOTAL 93,500  

Students should at least register 1 or 2 electives each semester.


NOUN B.A. Islamic Studies School Fees [100l Second Semester]


Course Code Course Title Credit Unit Status Fees Exam Fees
GST102 Use of English & Communication Skills II 2 Core 2000 1500
ISL172 As-Sirah Biography of the Prophet Muhammad 3 Elective 2500 1500
ISL142 Islam and Inter-Religious Dialogue 2 Core 2000 1500
ISL136 Women in Islam 2 Elective 2000 1500
ISL132 Advanced Study of Salat and Zakat 2 Core 2000 1500
ISL102 Mosque in Islam 2 Elective 2000 1500
INR142 Theory and Practice of Administration 2 Elective 2000 1500
CIT102 Software Application Skills 2 Core 2000 1500
ARA182 Arabic Reading 2 Elective 2000 1500
Semester Fee 29,000  
Total of Course Fees 18,500  
Total of Exam Fees 13,500  
Overall TOTAL 61,000  

Students should at least register 1 or 2 electives each semester.


NOUN B.A. Islamic Studies School Fees [200l First Semester]


Course Code Course Title Credit Unit Status Fees Exam Fees
ISL271 The Rightly Guided Caliphs and the Umayyads 2 Core 2000 1500
ISL245 Ilm ‘1-Kalam and Development of Muslim Firaq 1 Elective 2000 1500
ISL241 Prophethood and the Prophets in Islam 2 Core 2000 1500
ISL231 Introduction to the Shariah 2 Core 2000 1500
ISL213 Textual Study of the Quran 2 Core 2000 1500
GST203 Introduction to Philosophy and Logic 2 Core 2000 1500
ENG251 Language and Society 3 Elective 2500 1500
CSS211 Sociology of Crime and Delinquency 3 Elective 2500 1500
ARA283 Arabic Reading II 2 Elective 2000 1500
ARA281 Arabic Literature I 2 Elective 2000 1500
Semester Fee 29,000  
Total of Course Fees 21,000  
Total of Exam Fees 15,000  
Overall TOTAL 65,000  

Students should at least register 1 or 2 electives each semester.


NOUN B.A. Islamic Studies School Fees [200l Second Semester]


Course Code Course Title Credit Unit Status Fees Exam Fees
CRS202 Comparative Study of Religions 2 Elective 2000 1500
PCR276 Perception and Conflict 3 Elective 2500 1500
ISL272 The Abbasid Caliphate 3 Core 2500 1500
ISL222 Textual Studies of Hadith 2 Core 2000 1500
ISL214 Textual Study of Qur’an II 2 Core 2000 1500
ISL212 Introduction to Tajwid 3 Core 2500 1500
GST202 Fundamentals of Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution 2 Core 2000 1500
ARA284 Translation (Arabic – English) 2 Elective 2000 1500
ARA282 Arabic Grammar I 2 Elective 2000 1500
Semester Fee 29,000  
Total of Course Fees 19,500  
Total of Exam Fees 13,500  
Overall TOTAL 62,000  

Students should at least register 1 or 2 electives each semester.


NOUN B.A. Islamic Studies School Fees [300l First Semester]


Course Code Course Title Credit Unit Status Fees Exam Fees
ARA381 Introduction to Arabic Morphology 3 Elective 2500 1500
ISL373 Islam in North Africa and Spain 2 Elective 2000 1500
ISL361 Islamic Philosophy 3 Core 2500 1500
ISL355 Introduction to Ta?awwuf 2 Core 2000 1500
ISL343 Introduction to Islamic Theology 2 Core 2000 1500
ISL339 Islamic Family Law 3 Core 2500 1500
ISL313 Introduction to World Religions 3 Core 2500 1500
GST301 Entrepreneurship Studies 1 2 Core 2000 1500
ARA383 Translation: Eng/Arabic 2 Elective 2000 1500
Semester Fee 29,000  
Total of Course Fees 20,000  
Total of Exam Fees 13,500  
Overall TOTAL 62,500  

Students should at least register 1 or 2 electives each semester.


NOUN B.A. Islamic Studies School Fees [300l Second Semester]


Course Code Course Title Credit Unit Status Fees Exam Fees
ISL374 Islamic Political Institutions 2 Elective 2000 1500
ISL372 Islam in Nigeria 2 Core 2000 1500
ISL332 Al-Mu’?mal?t in the Shariah 3 Core 2500 1500
ISL330 Advanced Study of Sawm and Hajj 2 Core 2000 1500
ISL312 Exegesis of the Quran 2 Core 2000 1500
ISL304 Islamic Studies and Orientalism 2 Elective 2000 1500
ISL302 Research Methods 2 Core 2000 1500
ARA382 Arabic Grammar II 2 Elective 2000 1500
Semester Fee 29,000  
Total of Course Fees 16,500  
Total of Exam Fees 12,000  
Overall TOTAL 57,500  

Students should at least register 1 or 2 electives each semester.


NOUN B.A. Islamic Studies School Fees [400l First Semester]


Course Code Course Title Credit Unit Status Fees Exam Fees
ISL471 Contribution of West African Scholars to Islamic Thought 3 Core 2500 1500
ISL451 Major Sufi Orders in Africa 2 Core 2000 1500
ISL439 Al-Hud?d: Penal System of the Shar?’ah 2 Core 2000 1500
ISL437 Shari’ah in Modem Time 2 Core 2000 1500
ISL435 Textual Studies of Hadith 2 Core 2000 1500
ISL431 Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence 2 Core 2000 1500
ISL415 Advanced Studies on the Qur’an 2 Elective 2000 1500
ARA483 Arabic Rhetoric 2 Elective 2000 1500
ARA481 Arabic Literature in ABBASI D Period 2 Elective 2000 1500
Semester Fee 29,000  
Total of Course Fees 18,500  
Total of Exam Fees 13,500  
Overall TOTAL 61,000  

Students should at least register 1 or 2 electives each semester.


NOUN B.A. Islamic Studies School Fees [400l Second Semester]


Course Code Course Title Credit Unit Status Fees Exam Fees
ISL492 Project 6 Core 25,000 No Exam
ISL474 Islamic Historiography 2 Elective 2000 1500
ISL472 Islam’s Contributions to Civilization 3 Core 2500 1500
ISL438 Al-M?r?th :Islamic Law of Succession 2 Core 2000 1500
ISL436 Islamic Law of Wasiyyah and Waqf 2 Core 2000 1500
ISL432 Islamic Social System 2 Core 2000 1500
ISL412 Tafs?r: Exegesis of Selected Passages of the Qur’?n on Current Issues 3 Core 2500 1500
ISL402 Modem Reform Movement 2 Elective 2000 1500
Semester Fee 29,000  
Total of Course Fees 40,000  
Total of Exam Fees 10,500  
Overall TOTAL 79,500  

Students should at least register 1 or 2 electives each semester.


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