NOUN 2024_1 Faculty of Sciences Practical Timetable

NOUN science practical timetable

NOUN 2024_1 Faculty of Sciences Practical Timetable

NOUN Faculty of Science Practicals for 2024_1 semester


The Science practical will be coming up from 15th of April to 11th of May, 2024 across all the designated study centres



1. Registration to the courses

2. Lab-coat

3. Time to participate


Be informed that if you enroll in any of the following courses below:

  • CIT104

  • CIT191

  • BIO191

  • BIO192

  • BIO211

  • PHY191

  • PHY192

  • PHY291

  • CHM191

  • CHM192

  • CHM292

  • ESM234

  • ESM222

  • MTH101


These are practical courses. Consequently, there will be no Tutor-Marked Assignments (T.M.A) for them. Instead, your practical performance will replace the TMA grade. 


Therefore, attendance at practical sessions is compulsory for all students registered in these courses.


The practical makes up the 30% of your assessments. It stands to replace the TMA on the affected courses.


NOUN 2024_1 Faculty of Sciences Practical Timetable


NOUN 2024_1 Faculty of Sciences Practical Timetable From 15th April to 27th April, 2024

MONDAY 9am-11am CHM192/ESM222 11am-1pm BIO211/ESM222/CHM 292 BREAK 2pm-4pm PHY 192/ESM 234 4pm-6pm CIT 104
TUESDAY 9am-11am PHY192/ESM234/BIO 211 11am-1pm CHM 192/ESM234 BREAK 2pm-4pm BIO 192/ESM 4pm-6pm MTH 101/MTH 105
WEDNESDAY 9am-11am CIT104/CHM 292 11am-1pm ΒΙΟ 192 BREAK 2pm-4pm CHM 192/ΒΙΟ 211 4pm-6pm PHY 192
THURSDAY 9am-11am MTH 101/MTH 105 11am-1pm BIO 192/CHM292 BREAK 2pm-4pm PHY 192/BIO 211 4pm-6pm CHM 192
FRIDAY 9am-11am CHM 192/ESM222 11am-1pm PHY 192/ESM222 BREAK 2pm-4pm BIO 192/ESM 234 4pm-6pm CIT 104
SATURDAY 9am-11am CIT 104 11am-1pm CHM 192/ESM234 BREAK 2pm-4pm CIT 104 4pm-6pm ΒΙΟ 192


NOUN 2024_1 Faculty of Sciences Practical Timetable From 29th April to 11th April, 2024

MONDAY 9am-11am CHM 191/ESM 103/PHY 291 11am-1pm BIO 191/EMT411/CHM 291 BREAK 2pm-4pm Phy191/EMT409/ΒΙΟ 201 4pm-6pm CIT 191
TUESDAY 9am-11am PHY 191/ESM 103/ΒΙΟ 201 11am-1pm CHM 191/EMT411/PHY 291 BREAK 2pm-4pm BIO 191/EMT409/CHM 201 4pm-6pm MTH101/MTH105
WEDNESDAY 9am-11am CIT 191/ESM 103/CHM 291 11am-1pm BIO 191/EMT411/PHY 291 BREAK 2pm-4pm CHM 191/EMT409/ΒΙΟ 201 4pm-6pm PHY 191
THURSDAY 9am-11am MTH101/MTH105/ESM 103/BIO 201 11am-1pm BIO 191/EMT411/PHY 291 BREAK 2pm-4pm PHY 191/EMT409/CHM 291 4pm-6pm CHM 191
FRIDAY 9am-11am BIO 201/CHM 191/ESM 103 11am-1pm PHY 191/EMT411/CHM 291 BREAK 2pm-4pm BIO 191/EMT409/PHY 291 4pm-6pm CIT 191
SATURDAY 9am-11am CHM 191/ESM 103/PHY 291 11am-1pm BIO 201/EMT411/CHM 291 BREAK 2pm-4pm CIT 191/EMT409/ΒΙΟ 191 4pm-6pm PHY 191


Prepare to attend practical sessions in the designated area as updates will be provided continuously.

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